Thursday, December 29, 2011

Living a balanced life

In one of my training sessions, I asked my participants if they keep a planner. About half of them said they do. When we talked about the contents of their planner I was not surprised to hear work-related agenda.

Shall we not also plan for our family and friends? How about our health and spirituality? Is your personal and professional growth in your planner?

Did you know that we spend more time planning our holiday than planning our own lives?

In Habit 7 (Sharpening the Saw) of Stephen Covey’s “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”, he talked about the four dimensions of a balanced life: physical (exercise and nutrition), spiritual (value clarification, purpose), mental (reading, writing, visualizing) and social-emotional (relationship with others).

As the year draws to an end, let us strive to create balance in our goals by including the four dimensions in our agenda.

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